Sssssss Movie Review

Considered a cult classic, the 1973 B-grade horror film Sssssss pitted it's actors with real, living (mostly) snakes! How (blog) does this Universal film stand (blog post) up today, and did action movie reviews it truly do it's premise justice? Decker Shado gives his review, and opinions on some filmmaking decisions.Source: Sssssss Movie Review - D

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Ghost Rider Movie Review

THE SUMMER OF NICOLAS CAGE continues with Ghost Rider, a 2007 comic book film starring.. well, Nicolas Cage as... um.. Ghost Rider. Well, there's deals with the devil, the classic comic book hero's love interest rocky relationship, and science fiction movie reviews the world hanging in the balance, (blog post) but honestly I'm just horror movie rev

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Leprechaun: In the Hood (2000)

As the Leprechaun movie series moved on, and we received movies in Las Vegas, in Los Angeles and in frickin' outer space, it became evident that the aim wasn't so much to present a continuous tale, but to have fun in wildly diverse locales.To that purpose, the fifth Leprechaun film, Leprechaun in the Hood, Leprechaun 5: In The Hood was released in

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What if the Leprechaun had kids?

The Candyman and the Leprechaun?No, not the Leprechaun.What would a killer Leprechaun family be like?All The Leprechaun scripts these concepts were proposed.Let's investigate the bizarre Leprechaun script concepts that have been proposed.

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